

NOTE: Amendments to the regulations - Order No. 145/2024 of the Rector of WUM (dated August 7, 2024)- Division of funds into two categories: 50% for Student Projects and 50% for Employee Projects.

Order No. 145/2024 of the Rector of WUM

According to the order No. 145/2024 order No. 200/2023 of the Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw dated October 9, 2023 on the introduction of the Regulations on the requirements to be met by the participatory budgeting of the Medical University of Warsaw is amended as follows:

  1. § 2 paragraph 3 is replaced by the following: “3. The total pool of funds earmarked for the implementation of the tasks selected in the vote will be determined in the WUM Budget Plan adopted for a given fiscal year, of which 50% of the funds will be earmarked for staff projects and 50% for student projects.”
  2. § 4 paragraph 5 is replaced by the following: “5. Each Participant may support any number of task projects, subject to paragraphs 5a and 5b.”
  3. In § 4, after paragraph 5, paragraphs 5a and 5b are added in the following wording: “5a. Each employee has the right to support any number of employee projects. 5b. Each student has the right to support any number of student projects.”
  4. In § 5, paragraphs 9 and 14, after the words: on the website “divided into staff projects and student projects” is added.
  5. In § 6, the content of paragraphs 2,4,8 and 11 is changed, and paragraphs 4a and 4b are added: 

    a. Paragraph 2 is replaced by the following: “2. Voting will take place through the electronic form “Ballot” located on the website pl, in separate tabs dedicated to employee projects and student projects. The voting deadline will be made public on the same page in a separate announcement.";

    b. paragraph 4 shall be replaced by the following: “4. Each voting Participant may vote for a maximum of 3 task projects on the ballot subject to points 4a and 4b”;

    c. after paragraph 4, paragraphs 4a and 4b shall be added in the following wording: “ 4a. Each employee has the right to vote on the selection of winning employee projects. 4b. Each student has the right to vote on the selection of winning student projects”;

    d. paragraph 8 shall be replaced by the following: “8. Upon completion of the voting, the Commission shall calculate the results separately for employee and student projects. Determination of results shall consist in adding up all valid votes for each task proposal put to vote";

    e. paragraph 11 is replaced by the following: “The task projects that received the highest number of votes until the planned amount of funds allocated for the participatory budgeting is exhausted are placed on the basic list and submitted to the draft budget for the next fiscal year by the Rector of MUW. Separate lists will be drawn up for employee projects and student projects.”

Application form (attachment No. 1 to the regulations)

Formularz zgłoszeniowy (załącznik nr 1 do regulaminu)

NOTE: Appendix No. 1 is posted for your review. Project submissions will be made via electronic forms in two categories: Student Projects and Employee Projects. The electronic form will be made available on December 6, 2024.

List of supporters (attachment No. 2 to the regulations)